Located on
the eastern end of St. Thomas, miles from the cruise ship chaos of
Charlotte Amalie, the settlement of Red Hook is a quieter take on
this ...
St. Jean,
aka Baie de St. Jean, is the Caribbean equivalent of France's Cote
d'Azur. In season, the bronzed, beautiful and famous flock to the
dazzling ...
Forty miles
to the west of Puerto Rico lies wild Mona Island. Remote and now
designated as a biological reserve, the island sees few visitors,
as there ...
Though it's
not an island you'd want to call home, arid and uninhabited Kline
Curacao is a great place to spend a day. Located some 15 miles
southeast of ...
visitors to Martinique admire the sunset from Pointe Diamante, they
might be surprised to know that the small island on the western
horizon was once ...
If the
thought of coming across a 2,000-pound animal in the water sounds
scary, then you haven't met a manatee, aka a "sea cow." These
gentle giants pose ...